









   马来西亚野生动物保育非盈利组织Infinity Fauna 创办人兼主席

   美国国际非盈利组织CoalitionWild 2019国际自然保育大使




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,绿头蝇源性DNA方法在亚热带森林哺乳动物监测中的有效性研究,批准号:320012222021-012023-12,主持。

2. 日本長尾自然环境基金国际项目,无批准号,Reading mammal diversity from flies: Comparison of live-trapping, hair-trapping, camera-trapping and blowfly-derived mammalian DNA for comprehensive assessment of tropical forest mammals2014-072015-0949.6 万日元,主持。

3. 马来西亚高等教育研究基金项目,Reading the diversity of forest mammals from flies,批准号: FRGS/1/2014/STWN10/UM/02/1, 2014-072016-037.37万马币,参与。7.37万马币,参与。



一、 代表性论文及论著:

1.       Zieritz, A., Lee, P.S., Eng, W.W.H., Lim, S.Y., Sing, K.W., Chan, W.N., Loo, J.S., Mahadzir, F.N., Ng, T.H., Yeo, D.C. and Gan, L.X., 2022. DNA metabarcoding unravels unknown diversity and distribution patterns of tropical freshwater invertebrates. Freshwater Biology, 67(8):1411-1427.

2.       Wu, Y.T., Bao, J., Lee, P.S., Wang, J.B., Wang, S. and Zhang, F., 2021. Nonlinear phenomena conveying body size information and improving attractiveness of the courtship calls in the males of Odorrana tormota. Asian Herpetological Research, 12(1):117-123.

3.       Casas, P.A.*, Sing, K.W., Lee, P.S.*, Villanueva, O.M. & Wilson, J.J. 2018. DNA barcodes for dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Mindanao, Philippines. Mitochondrial DNA part A, 29(2):206-211.

4.       Lee, P.S., Gan, H.M., Clements, G.R. & Wilson, J.J. 2016. Field calibration of blowfly-derived DNA against traditional methods for assessing mammal diversity in tropical forests. Genome, 59(11):1008-1022. 获选为开放期刊封面。

5.       Lee, P.S. & Wilson, J.J. 2016. Are blowflies better than conservation biologists at surveying mammals in rainforests? Barcode Bulletin: The Newsletter of the International Barcode of Life, 7(4): 6-7.

6.       Sing, K.W., Wang, W.Z., Wan, T., Lee, P.S., Lee, Z.X., Wang, Y.Y., & Wilson, J.J. 2016. Diversity and human perceptions of bees in Southeast Asian megacities. Genome, 59(10): 851-865.

7.       Wilson, J.J., Sing, K.W., Lee, P.S. & Wee, A.K.S. 2016. Application of DNA barcodes in wildlife conservation in Tropical East Asia. Conservation Biology, 30(5):982-9.

8.       Brandon-Mong, G.J., Gan, H.M., Sing, K.W., Lee, P.S., Lim, P.E., & Wilson J.J. 2015. DNA metabarcoding of insects and allies: an evaluation of primers and pipelines. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 105: 717-727.

9.       Wilson, J.J., Jisming-See, S.W., Brandon-Mong, G.J., Lim, A.H., Lim, V.C., Lee, P.S. & Sing, K.W. 2015. Citizen science: the first Peninsular Malaysia butterfly count. Biodiversity Data Journal, (3), e7159. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e7159.

10.    Lee, P.S., Sing, K.W. & Wilson, J.J. 2015. Reading mammal diversity from flies: the persistence period of amplifiable mammal mtDNA in blowfly guts (Chrysomya megacephala) and a new DNA mini-barcode target. PLoS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123871.

11.    Lee, P.S., Wilson, J.J. 2016. Is mammal DNA detected from the guts of blowflies a feasible mammal monitoring tool? Asia Research News (2016). Also available on Phys.org


12.    Lee, P.S., Wilson JJ. 2015. Blowflies blow the minds of conservationists. Asia Research News. Also available on Science Daily (www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/12/151210182100.htm).






1. 在国际科学学术论坛4th International Symposium on Asian Vertebrate Species Diversity学术汇报获国际一等奖1

2. 在新加坡国立大学、马来亚大学及泰国Chulalongkorn大学联办的20th Biological Sciences Graduate Congress学术汇报获国际二等奖1